On Thu, 2 Oct 2008, Philip Smith wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Please take a moment to look at the current charter amendment proposals
> for the October ballot at:
>  http://www.nanog.org/charter/
> If you have comments on the proposals, please post them on the
> nanog-futures list or send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the next few days.

A and B lok fine to me, although given that serious mischeif would require 
the participation of multiple steering committee members, I'm not sure how 
important it is that an individual one be easil removable.

Most of the charter clean-up thing (C) looks fine to me.  I notice that 
the last clean-up point in C turns the power the membership has currently 
to recommend changes to the charter into the power to actually change the 
charter.  My recollection is that the "recommended" wording is there 
because having ultimate authority over the charter was important to Merit, 
who might agree to change it in response to recommendations.  Has that 


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