On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 05:58:03PM -0700, Scott Weeks wrote:
> --- jrh...@netconsonance.com wrote:
> Perhaps you have time to sit and hit delete for a few hours every day  
> before you find a single post relevant to your job.  I don't, and
> <snip>
> ------------------------------------
> 'Select All' on the 'Subject' you don't want to read about and
> delete.  A few hours turns into a few minutes... :-)

I have some thread-plonking, but find it much fmore effective to plonk
thee individuals responsible for or contributing to what I interpret
as noise.  That drastically reduces the cruft and I get to not see the
bits that torque me off unless I specifically go hunting for them. 
[You occasionally have to fish people out of the plonk when they grow
up, etc but not a big deal]

For stuff that falls in the bucket of "relevant to the population but
just not to me" I do what I do when that happens at the conference 
and move along.



             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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