On Fri, 28 May 2010, Joe Abley wrote:

> I think it's quite within the SC's mandate to do this without a vote, 
> and I also think there's no obvious mechanism within the bylaws to hold 
> a vote on any particular issue (we had our vote; we voted for members of 
> the SC).

The NANOG charter, under which the SC was elected, says NANOG is an 
activity of Merit.  It specifies a process for ammendments, which involves 
having a vote of the membership.

Of course, any group of people can start up a corporation, enter into 
contracts, and host conferences (which none of us have to attend). 
Therefore, the NANOG charter probably doesn't technically apply to this 
situation.  Still, the given that the charter is what gave the SC their 
unofficial legitimacy to contemplate such a move, it would be nice if they 
followed its spirit and held a vote.

I'm also curious about the financial story here.  If the corporation is 
signing hotel contracts, I assume it has some funds.  Are those coming 
from the Merit NANOG accounts, or is somebody else putting up the money? 
If the membership were to vote to stick with Merit as the NANOG 
administrator, is that something Merit would still be willing to do?

For the record, I'll say that if such a vote were held, I would probably 
vote for NANOG to become a standalone organization.  I also don't think 
this move would have come as a surprise to anybody involved in the hallway 
NANOG governance discussions at the Austin NANOG.  Given the questions 
that members of the Steering Committee were asking there, I don't think 
they rushed into at least the beginning of this process.


Steve Gibbard
+1 415 717-7842 (cell)

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