Hi all -

I spoke up at the community meeting and during the NANOG Transition BOF at 
NANOG, trying to get a better understanding of what was happening with NANOG.  
I asked a few questions, and admittedly got caught up in the moment during some 
of the discussions. A couple folks got the impression that I was AGAINST the 

To be clear - - - I am NOT against the transition (of NANOG from a Merit 
activity to a new organization more tightly directed by elected members of the 
My issues are with how we got here.

As I stated before, in the first Steering Committee I was pushing for the same 
thing (See slide 12 "Actual Results" of my NANOGHIstory slides from NANOG 37 
back in 2007). The idea that the elected Steering Committee was merely an 
advisory role or meeting attendee advocate role just didn't seem rational - it 
provided the 'transparency' but lacked the 'accountability' aspect that we all 
required from the post-NANOG revolution phase. As several folks mentioned, 
there are indeed different interests at play between Merit and the NANOG 
community, as there in any partnership. My feeling was (and is) that this 
advisory form of Steering Committee-Merit relationship is not as effective as 
it needs to be.  So the end state of some form of self-governed NANOG can be 

At this NANOG I had conversations with the NANOG Steering Committee members and 
the Merit folks about what led to this immediate transition. Based on what I 
learned, we have here is a classic inter-group conflict that could have been 
better handled with a mediator and informal discussions. The goals should have 
been ensuring buy in to cooperative transition, defining a plan and timeline 
for an orderly and coordinated community-driven transition plan. As is typical, 
the rationale from both sides included exaggerated perceptions about 
motivations and many assumptions about how the other side would react to 
various actions. 

In any case, instead, both sides have left the community with a transition where

1) the broader community was not brought along for the ride with identified 
problems and proposed solutions, it was a 'done deal' (this would have taken 
2) the plan for this new NANOG was not shared broadly with the community (was 
not really developed fully), and yet 
3) both sides agree the transition HAS TO HAPPEN now.

So, as a community member, my opinion is that we lost an opportunity to do 
something really cool here: we could have taken the time to develop a newer and 
better NANOG organization while demonstrating the principles that led to the 
first revolution: transparency, accountability, as a newer, better NANOG, all 
done in a community-driven fashion. This would have taken time and some work, 
but it would have been pretty cool.

But the past doesn't matter now, so Where are we now?

Fundamentally, we all agree that 
the transition will happen,
it will happen in a couple NANOGs,
we all want it to be a success, 
we will try some new untested things.

Just wanted to share where I am coming from, and I agree that the discussion 
should now be about what we should do. I look forward to that.


Sidenote - I would share in some of the blame in that we in the Steering 
Committees to date did not candidly describe some of these frictions in our 
meeting minutes; instead we all glossed over differences, and patted ourselves 
on the back for the progress and success of the meetings. It would have been 
helpful feedback back to the community how this SC-PC-MLC-NANOG experiment 
actually worked and where it didn't.

As a result of lack of candor, we have nothing to point to, nothing for the 
successor SC to review that highlighted relationship challenges, what was tried 
to overcome those challenges, etc... in short, there is an absence of 
institutional memory for the future SCs and the community to highlight the 
problems and why the transition is the best solution to the problems identified.

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