Based on the proposal sent last month and discussion on this list, the NewNOG 
Board has adopted a membership policy.

As in the proposal, there are two components: a Bylaws amendment to establish a 
framework, and a board resolution to set the policy.  The full text of both 
parts are appended below.

The amendment text is unchanged from the proposal.  It takes effect 
immediately, but will need to be ratified by the membership during the fall 

After discussion on the list, we changed one element of the proposed framework, 
to allow the member registration discount to be applied to the general early 
registration rate and only exclude its use from special rates (such as for 
students.)  This change appeared to have broad consensus.  We chose to go with 
this simple set of rules, and can adjust them as needed as we gain experience.  
As always, discussion on this list is encouraged.

Over the next few days, we will establish procedures to become a member, and 
will announce them here.

    Steve (for the Board)

Bylaws amendment, adopted by unanimous vote of the Board on January 4, 2011, 
effective immediately but subject to ratification by the membership:

- Replace the current section 5 in its entirety with:

5. Membership

5.1 Membership Qualifications

Membership in NewNOG is open to any individual with an interest in
Internet operations, engineering, or research and who wishes to
further education and knowledge sharing within the Internet operations

Any individual may become a member of NewNOG by completing an
application and payment of dues.

5.2 Membership Classes

There shall be only one class of membership, with all the rights
and privileges specified in these Bylaws.

5.3 Membership Dues

The Board of Directors shall specify the cost of annual membership
dues.  The Board may establish discounts for members meeting certain
criteria, or for members wishing to pay for more than one year in

5.4 Rights and Benefits of Members

Members in good standing shall be entitled to these privileges:

* Vote in all NewNOG elections.
* Run as a candidate for the Board of Directors
* Serve on an administrative committee, as defined in section 9
* Other privileges as specified by the Board of Directors

5.5 Policies and Procedures

The Board of Directors shall establish and publish policies and
procedures for implementation of the membership program.


Membership Policies and Procedures, adopted by Board resolution Jan. 4, 2011:

1. Annual Dues

1.1 Standard rate

The standard annual dues is $100.

1.2 Student discount

Students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program
at an accredited institution will receive a 50% discount for annual
dues.  Proof of enrollment is required.  This may not be combined
with any other discount.

1.3 Multi-year discount

Individuals who prepay three or more years of membership in advance
will receive a 10% discount.  This may not be combined with any
other discount.

2. Membership Terms

2.1 Start of membership

The term of membership shall begin immediately upon receipt of the
member's application and payment for dues.

2.2 Expiration of membership

2.2.1 New memberships

For new members, the term of membership shall expire one year after
the last day of the month during which the membership started,
unless membership is renewed.

2.2.2 Continuing memberships

For continuing members, the term of membership shall expire one
year after the previous expiration date, unless membership is

2.3 Renewal

A member may renew by submitting payment of the current dues amount
before the expiration of the current membership term.  Members who
have prepaid for more than one year in advance shall be automatically
renewed for the additional years prepaid.

3. Additional Benefits

3.1 Meeting discount

Members in good standing will receive a $25 discount on registration
fees for any conference operated by NewNOG.  This discount may not be applied 
any to any special registration rates, such as for speakers,
students, sponsors, or members of the press.


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