On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Steven J. Sobol wrote:

> On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
> >
> > Here is the map for Ohio:
> > http://www.puc.state.oh.us/pucogis/STATEMAP/AC_TelServAreaA.pdf
> >
> > Only 43 ILEC's here...

i was under the impresssion that ILECs (incumbent local exchange
carriers) were pretty much only the RBOCs (regional bell operating
companies) and that CLECs (competitive local exchange carriers) were
the other LECs that sprung up after 96'ish?

for instance, in PA, i refer to the ILEC as verizon/BA and people like
adelphia and intermedia as CLECs.

this is a particular hazy defination that has always bugged me,
because it seems that no matter who i'm talking to, they use ILEC and
CLEC to mean different things.

btw, if you one of the people that care about ILECs and CLECs and
RBOCs, i'm reading a fascinating/enraging book called "the unofficial
biography of the baby bells and infoscandal," by kushnik.

ps. big thanks to steve sobal, i've already filed your email away in
my quickie reference folder.

deeann m.m. mikula

director of operations
telerama public access internet
http://www.telerama.com * 412.688.3200

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