On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 10:36:22AM -0500, Greg Pendergrass wrote:
> I'm looking at long-haul gigabit ethernet as a possible solution versus
> traditional SONET and I'm a little bit wary as promises made on web pages
> and white papers aren't *always* completely accurate.  I'd appreciate it if
> you all would share your experiences with it. By long-haul I mean in the
> hundreds or thousands of miles. I need to know:
> a. Does it work properly?
> b. Who offers it in the continental US?

I'm going to take a stab and assume that you're actually more interested
in finding a longhaul line with GigE on the ends, and not so much how many
miles you can get with whatever optics...

Rumor has it AT&T was offering a long-haul gige service, though I havn't 
actually seen it with my own eyes. I'm certain others are as well, though 
it takes a while to overcome the well-engranded traditions and beliefs 
about "LAN vs WAN technology" and all that nonsense... Short of that, 
Cogent offers a layer 3 transport service with gige on both ends as an 
option... :)

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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