Bear in mind that the financial situation at Qwest is bad.  They are
getting ready to take an estimated $20 to $30 billion writeoff
on accounting restatements (mostly of "goodwill") and will probably be 
sanctioned by the SEC, as indicated in wire stories today.

Their Portland office is across the street from me, and my phone and
DSL is dependent on them of course, so this is of direct concern in
my case!

I should mention that despite its deserved reputation for greedy 
management (whether as Pacific Northwest Bell, U S West or now
Qwest), ops has generally been pretty good and the retail (consumer/
small business) DSL service, from my personal experience, is top notch.
(Of course, they run it on FreeBSD so that should tell you something :)

We certainly know from experience that a major financial upheaval can
affect operations at least indirectly (loss of management attention,
budget cuts, deferred maintenance, cutbacks in monitoring and response
systems, etc.).  On the other hand, it's not a good idea to overreact
to news like this.  So I would proceed with due caution concerning Qwest
transit.  As a wise person once said, don't put all your routes in one


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