Somewhat on the topic but going into future instead of the past...

I'm wondering if anyone started working on dns host registration system 
for ipv6 and whois support for this. It seems that currently all ipv6 dns 
comes from existing domains that are setup with ipv4 and there is no root 
ipv6 dns servers. Am I right? Are we planning to working on it anytime soon?

And yes - I'v read but it seems 
little out of date and does not mention A6 records. Bill, will you be 
updating the page?

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Allan Liska wrote:

> Hello,
> Thursday, April 04, 2002, 3:26:18 AM, you wrote:
> wen> Worth is that about 4-6 months ago I started seeing multiple dns servers 
> wen> registered for the same ip address. Plus to that neither .biz nor .info
> wen> dns servers are even showing on the internic root.
> Yea, apparently in January Verisign changed their long standing policy of
> allowing only one name server to be registered per IP Address.  To
> confuse matters even more, I don't think all of the registrars support
> this, and I have not seen anything official from ICANN (not that
> anyone cares what ICANN thinks).
> allan

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