### On Mon, 08 Apr 2002 14:18:52 -0700, Paul Vixie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> casually
### decided to expound upon [EMAIL PROTECTED] the following thoughts about
### "packet reordering at exchange points":

PV> > packet reordering at MAE East was extremely common a few years ago. Does
PV> > anyone have information whether this is still happening?
PV> more to the point, does anybody still care about packet reordering at
PV> exchange points?  we (paix) go through significant effort to prevent it,
PV> and interswitch trunking with round robin would be a lot easier.  are
PV> we chasing an urban legend here, or would reordering still cause pain?

I'd imagine that anyone passing realtime streams, Mbone or VOIP (anyone out
there routing their VOIP traffic across an IXP?) would start having issues
with the resulting jitter.

/*===================[ Jake Khuon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]======================+
 | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers     /| / [~ [~ |) | | --------------- |
 | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation  / |/  [_ [_ |) |_| N E T W O R K S |

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