> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 6:39 AM
> To: Greg Maxwell
> Subject: Re: is your host or dhcp server sending dns dynamic
> updates for
> rfc1918?
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 09:03:51 EDT, Greg Maxwell
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> > Does anyone already have a SNORT signature to match on
> these updates to
> > aid in tracking down which hosts behind a NAT are guilty
> for generating
> > this garbage?
> The problem is that the sites that are the big offenders are
> probably not
> the sort of sites that would run Snort.
> Now, think about it - one /32 popped of *30K* of these in 4 hours -
> and a 'dig -x' shows it to apparently be a DSL line.  So we're seeing
> 2 or 3 DCHP events *PER SECOND* behind that NAT.  Either they've got
> a bunch of machines doing the Reboot Shuffle and have bigger problems,
> or they're big enough that 2-3 DHCP per second is reasonable (at which
> point you have to wonder how they're THAT big, and depending on a DSL
> line.. ;)

I had a dynamic-dns client on my home ADSL system that was generating
requests at that rate a few months ago - I read logs and fixed it, don't
remember how... so this DOES happen ( and to people who do not read logs.. )

Bruce Williams
Benchmarks: Engineering wants to see how fast they can get the wheels to
spin on a car.  Operations wants to know how fast the car will go.  These
are different.

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