On Fri, 3 May 2002, Scott Granados wrote:

> Well the costs you mentioned  with aol seem high

Not when you consider how much time and money AOL has sunk into the 
development of their mail system. They are the only company that has to
scale their operations to the size to which they scale, and I guarantee
you can't do what they do with off-the-shelf software.

Plus, you have to multiply costs out over *mumble* million users.

> The case against spam probably should 
> be decided entirely on economics not on content issues.

Agreed, completely. Start dealing with content and you get into very murky

Steve Sobol, CTO (Server Guru, Network Janitor and Head Geek)
JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH  888.480.4NET   http://JustThe.net
"The Indians are unfolding into the 2002 season like a lethal lawn chair."
  (_News-Herald_ Indians Columnist Jim Ingraham, April 11, 2002)

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