On Sun, 5 May 2002, Bill Woodcock wrote:

>     > What is the generally accpted timeframe for renumbering?  My reading of
>     > ARIN policy would seem to imply at least 30 days.
> I'm not sure it's fair to say that there's an "accepted timeframe" per
> se...  I've seen 30 days.  I've more commonly seen 90 days.  I've seen 18
> months.  I've also seen immediate, like happened to you, when the customer
> stops paying and leaves on hostile terms.  In short, you can't expect
> anything from someone you're not willing to pay, and who has no future
> prospect of doing business with you again.  If you want a longer period to
> renumber, pay them for it.

Well how am I supposed to arrange a payment on a Sunday afternoon?

As well I'd say I've already paid them more than enough to use their IPs -
I never brought up a BGP session with them and never passed a single
packet to them.  I'm surprised to hear that such extortion techniques are
considered acceptable.


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