JS> Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 10:26:13 -0400
JS> From: James Smith

JS> > Hmmmm.... maybe there should be a "list of peering
JS> > policies" site a la Jared's NOC page.

JS> Interesting idea. Include verifiable user comments as to what
JS> the policy actually is as exemplified by actual practice
JS> vs. what they say it is (or should be)...

...which would be interesting, except NDAs[1] and grandfathered-
in ASNs that don't meet the requirements, yet haven't been
depeered, might make things interesting...

[1] IANAL, but how can something public be considered a trade
    secret protected by NDA?  Perhaps the exact peering
    arrangements are not public, but routing information is at
    least semi-public.  (Any downstream can identify peers.  Or
    if a net participates in a route server a la oregon-ix, then
    they're pretty much disclosing interconnect lists.)


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