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On Sat, 11 May 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:

> I have transit in 2 cities.  I have a circuit connecting the 2 cities as
> well.  So far I've been using non-contiguous IPs, so there's been no
> opportunity for aggregation.  Having just received my /20 from ARIN, I'm
> trying to plan my network.  Lets say I split the /20 into 2 /21's, one for
> each city.  I'd like to announce the aggregate /20 instead of 2 /21's, as
> long as the circuit connecting the 2 cities is working.  If the circuit
> goes down I want each city to announce the local /21.  Is this
> possible? (using either a Cisco router or Zebra)
> Ralph Doncaster
> principal,
> div. of Doncaster Consulting Inc.

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