> There are several exchange points, but their functions tend to be slightly
    > different from what is understood in the US. IXes such as SOX (Singapore),
    > HKIX (Hong Kong), JPIX & NSP-IXP2 (Japan) and KIX & KINX (Korea) tend to be
    > the more oft quoted IXes in Asia and are familiar in design and function.

Yeah, what Phil said.

Note that HKIX is the longest-established of those, although no longer by
any means the largest.  KIX/KINX carry the greatest volume of traffic by
far, but it's almost exclusively local intra-Korean traffic.  JPIX is, as
you note, probably your first choice if you're going to pick only one
exchange, you're coming in from outside the region, and you have to pick

That choice is much harder in Asia right now than in north America or
Europe, where the choices are obvious.  An even tougher question is what
to do for a second exchange in Asia.  These questions are being addressed
though...  APIA is sponsoring a meeting in association with the next APNIC
meeting, exclusively on this topic, where Phil and I and Bill Manning and
other folks will be trying to help folks within the region come to some

    > As others have pointed out, www.ep.net has the list of all the known ones.

Bill, Antony, and I consolidated our three lists into one, which is at


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