On Fri, 17 May 2002, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
> On Fri, 17 May 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:
> > What about NYIIX/6IIX?
> > Being in Telehouse where there are no monthly fees for for cross-connects
> > gives it a financial advantage over Equinix.
> While I agree, IIX relatively speaking is small -- aggregating about 450
> to 500 mb/s.

Statistics for the NYIIX switch are very misleading due to the fact that
Telehouse NY has such cost effective cross connect fees.  Most of the
networks there have several private interconnects to their other peers
there.  Due to the economics compared to exchanges with a similar number
of participants and higher cross connect fees, each peer at NYIIX is
likely to be more predisposed to establishing private interconnects with
their largest traffic flow peers.

Telehouse is a great facility to deal with.

Also, when considering where to locate equipment I can't help but remind
the other person posting about MNFX (which isn't the same corporate
entitiy as PAIX) that they should have posted (if they were going to
bother to post that kind of thing, which doesn't make friends ;) similar
press releases regarding their other choices, or perhaps considering
whether the companies they consider alternatives are EBITDA postive
(making a profit, or in otherwords will exist in 12 months) today (not in
an imaginary planned future) or for the few that are EBITDA positive,
whether they actually seem to want your business.

PAIX, Palo Alto is another excellent exchange point.  I'm sure you can
probably get a rack now with all the bankruptcies.  If not send me email.

Hurricane has IPv6 routers deployed nationally, we are participating in
the IPv6 exchange at PAIX, are connected to 6TAP at AADS, and have an IPv6
router at Telehouse.  We will be connecting to the 6IIX/NY6IX next week.

We are happy to peer natively at any facility we are at or over IPv4
tunnels.  We are also happy to allocate a /48 to anybody that is working
on getting their pTLA (6BONE) or subTLA (ARIN) (You have to be operational
and deployed in order to request and receive your own IPv6 address space
from ARIN or 6BONE.)


+------------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -------------------+
| Mike Leber             Direct Internet Connections     Voice 510 580 4100 |
| Hurricane Electric       Web Hosting  Colocation         Fax 510 580 4151 |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           http://www.he.net |

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