On Tue, 21 May 2002, Brian Wilson wrote:

> Just wondering if anyone else has seen this happen recently:    
> https://uni01nf.unity.ncsu.edu/ncsu/usage/io-fps-service-daily.html
> We maxed out at about 10,000 flows/sec.  I'm currently going back through   
> our argus logs and collecting a list of source hosts (all appear to be
> spoofed of course).  In a 15 minute period we had 4.2 million unique hosts
> pounding one of our servers.
> The only reason I post this is that on some other off-campus machines I
> maintain, I've seen an increase in ftp connections.  So, I was wondering
> if this is some new worm, ddos, or something of that nature.  If anyone
> would care to comment, I'm all ears.

Oh, FYI.. 

This happened between 6 and 7 am EST this morning (5/21/2002).  Normal
traffic for us at this time is <50Mbps, but at this time it peaked out at
about 130Mbps.

Also, and someone referred me to this:


Brian Wilson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Analyst                               W: 919.513.3472
Communication Technologies                    F: 919.513.1893
North Carolina State University        http://www.ncstate.net

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