In the immortal words of Mitch Halmu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> (Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945)

Congratulations, Mitch, you have done what many of us would have
considered impossible: you have surpassed your own previous high-water
mark for tasteless, self-involved bullshit.  (Which, for the
short-of-memory, was when you used the 9/11 attacks as justification
for demanding that MAPS be turned off.)

My dead relatives have nothing to do with your desire to run an open
relay with no consequences.  Kindly go fuck yourself.


p.s. cc'ed to nanog-request: please consider this to be yet another
     request to have Mitch removed from this list.

p.p.s. I believe this counts as a Godwin invocation.  Thread closed.

------------------------------------------------------<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              The life of a sysadmin is always intense.

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