> Degrees are, in essence, a certificate that you are capable of learning
> things by rote and regurgitating them later, possibly applying a small
> amount of thought (but not too much).  

I can completely attest to that.  I've got a degree in theoretical 
astrophysics and did graduate work in Quantum Physics.  If you ever try 
to apply more than a small amount of thinking to Quantum Mechanics, 
you'll explode faster than an electron and a positron having sex!

Now, you may be asking - "How does this relate to NANOG" or "How does Eric's
understanding of how Quantum Mechanics impacted the early Universe relate
to his ability to run or design a network"?  It doesn't, but neither does
this thread....

Just my $0.02.  Flame on.

Eric :)

"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't 
understand quantum mechanics." 
  -- Richard Feynman: 

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