On Thu, 30 May 2002 09:20:17 -0400
 Leo Bicknell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a message written on Mon, May 06, 2002 at 02:14:34PM -0400, Joe Abley
> wrote:
> > I wonder whether the average small, multi-homed ISP who currently
> > lusts after PI space would find all their renumbering nightmares
> > reduced to entirely manageable levels by the delegation of (say)
> > 1 x /24 PI netblock to number nameservers and mail exchangers, and
> > n x /whatever netblocks to number everything else.
> This just gave me an interesting idea.  What if a /8 was set aside
> from one of the reserved pools, and each ASN got one /24 out of
> that /8 automatically and predictably (8 bits net + 16 bits of ASN
> = 24 bits) when getting an ASN?

This is just the "GLOP" multicast address assignment idea of RFC 2770


where a /24 is assigned automatically. 

It would add 30% to the number of BGP address blocks pretty much automatically.

Marshall Eubanks

> Since you have to connect to two or more providers to get an ASN,
> and since the whole reason to have an ASN is to inject things into
> the DFZ it doesn't seem like it would increase routing table size
> by a huge amount.  It would eliminate one whole paperwork/justification
> step (for your first address allocation).  For subsequent allocations
> there is an example (that /24) of how efficiently the ISP uses the
> space.
> -- 
>        Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
>         PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/
> Read TMBG List - [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.tmbg.org

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