On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Dan Hollis wrote:

> > http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/020605/200206051047000419_1.html
> now someone will surely step up to the plate in their defence and rant 
> about how this is all a good thing for NASC and how they will go on to 
> reemerge next year as a lean, mean, bigger & better company.

I'm certainly a lot less worried than I would be if it was another
form of bankruptcy. Chapter 11 is a reorg, typically.

I won't say it's *good* for the company - and there are too many telecomm
firms filing bankruptcy these days anyhow. It might not be the end of the

Steve Sobol, CTO  JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH  888.480.4NET
- I do my best work with one of my cockatiels sitting on each shoulder -
6/4/02:A USA TODAY poll found that 80% of Catholics advocated a zero-tolerance 
stance towards abusive priests. The fact that 20% didn't, scares me...

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