On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 05:30:50PM -0400, blitz wrote:
> Adelphia announced price increases today.... 90 cents a month for cable TV,
> bringing the package to about $39. a month in Buffalo, and $41. outside.
> Also they increased the "powerlink" cablemodem $2.00 a month. (this is the
> second increase this year)

Nono, you have that wrong, it was a typo. To offset the billions the
Rigas's made off with, they are raising cable 90 /dollars/ a month,
and cable modems $200. I hear they wanted to make it retroactive,
but with the board problems they've been having (IE, keeping them for
more than a few weeks), they couldn't get it approved, and felt just
doing it would be too suspicious while people were watching.

Tongue FIRMLY in cheek,

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