On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, joe mcguckin wrote:

> We're seriously considering moving out of 1 Wilshire, due to Carlyle's
> factor of eight fee increase for meet-me room cage rents and their practice
> of insisting on charging us for items our contract specifically says we
> can't be charged for.
> One leading candidate for our new 'home' in LA is Telehouse. Any opinions
> about them?

There's a building across the street from 1 that I believe did
move forward and install multiple zero manholes, and I also know
that 600 Wilshire may have done the same. The building across
the street from 1 ?? has an interconnected conduit TO 1 so you may want
to check that out. I'm not sure what your power or HVAC needs are,
but you could end up cutting a better deal with close fiber
easily cross connected from 1 Wilshire.. Sorry I can't remember
the exact number. I know it's there, I designed it.


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