> my question for the group is, do chat programs (IM, IRC, yahoo) serve a
>substantial network support purpose or are they more of a distraction,
>allowing staff to communicate with friends, relatives, drifters, interlopers
>on company time?

We run an internal Jabber server which all employees log into.  This 
eliminates the reliance on an outside server (AOL/Yahoo/etc) as well as 
the security concerns of same outside servers.

Of course it's still cleartext over TCP, so it's not 100% secure but 
it's localized traffic.

We find it invaluable especially since our department has become 
geographically diverse. To be able to pop "Can you look at TT#XYZ?" vs 
an email or phone call is quite nice.


Scott Call      Router Geek, ATGi, home of $6.95 Prime Rib
"...Everything's going to be just great again!" 

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