----- Forwarded message from Henk Steenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Subject: NOTIFICATION: KPNQWEST disconnection
From: Henk Steenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: AMS-IX Discussion list for technical issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        GRX Tech mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 10:43:42 +0200

This is to inform you that KPNQWEST has been unable to further fulfill its
financial obligations towards AMS-IX, despite their repeated promises to do
so over the last couple of days. We have therefore decided that the KPNQWEST
ports will be disabled (both on the Internet and the GRX VLANs) at
12.00AM CET today. To allow some further time for rearranging traffic, we
will allow a single KPNQWEST port to remain in use  for a few more days,
i.e. until July 1st.

This one remaining port will be:

    switch 4 port 6/5 IP (Internet VLAN)

In order to avoid large amounts of broadcast traffic created by ARP
requests, we request all parties currently peering with KPNQWEST to shut
down their peering sessions with KPNQWEST with other IP addresses than the
above mentioned one.

Kind Regards


 - Henk

Henk Steenman                                       tel: +31 205 141 711
Amsterdam Internet Exchange                      mobile: +31 651 312 774                   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tech-l mailing list

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Greetz, Peter
MegaBIT - open air networking event -

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