"Stephen J. Wilcox" wrote:
> Sprint dont peer unless your the like of CW/UU etc

See my question regarding peering.

= "Now, someone explain how an internet provider convinced congress that
=it didn't really have to carry an -internet customers- packet from one 
=side of its -=own=- network to the other side, unless -=both=-  
=parties paid it money ?"

  It still stands.

 The real problem Steve, is no one seems to get the ramifications 
of such a closed loop system. 

 All these businesses are folding because they have a "Monkey on
their Back"... and to feed the Monkey, they are creating Monkeys on
-other- peoples back... following WorldCom's lead.

  Ala: Pied Piper Of Hamelin.

(Remember WorldComs early war cry.... "There can only be One!" :)

 Before "Ebber Ethics" when the (Transit) Monkey got too big, 
 one merely built a physical circuit to the bigger targets.. and voila. 

 While it didn't get the Monkey off your back, 
  it did shrink the "transit monkey" back to manageable.

 The Monkey is Fed for the cost of the physical.

  * shrug *

 Allen Greenspan Ebbers wasn't!
> Steve
> On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:
> >
> > While many other tier-1's have publicly listed their peering policies,
> > I've never seen anything for 1239.  Not that I'd stand a chance, but does
> > anyone know what their peering requirements are?
> >
> > Ralph Doncaster
> > principal, IStop.com
> >
> >

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