Yo Scott!

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Scott Weeks wrote:

> Also, that the cellular network could crash if cell phones are used at
> altitude seems like a big security hole to me.

Boeing has repeatedly stated that it is not stupid enough to make
airplanes that will fail because someone in the back has an electronic
device on.  Ossama would love that if it were so.  It is the FCC, or the
individual airline that bans electronic devices, not the FAA.

The FCC bans most (not all!) cell phone in flight because cell phones
are line of sight.  So on in-flight cell phone ties up a LOT of cell
towers on the ground.  Air ambulances routinely ignore this rule and
I am sure a lot of people are alive today because they do.

One of the airborne certified vendors of airborne cellular is AirCell:

Garmin sells the NavTalk Pilot which is a combination GPS, ground cell
phone and airborne cell phone:

GTE Airfone is a ground based phone TSOed (a.k.a. certified)
for in flight use in small airplanes.  They are at:

Being ground based it does not have the latency problems of Sat Phones.
The bad part is in only works when you are in the air.

The airline bans electronic devices just to shut up the little old
ladies.  My favorite is "please turn off you PDA for takeoff".  Huh?
All the On/Off sitch on the PDA does is turn off the screen...

Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

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