Hello Cho,

Monday, July 01, 2002, 5:39:01 AM, you wrote:

CMF> I've been trying to check out domains from whois.register.com, however, it
CMF> always reports "No match for domain"!!

CMF> Is it working? Do you know where I can query domains details registered in
CMF> register.com? Many thanks!

This is probably best posted to the isp-dns list, but the short answer
to your question is that the register.com whois server only shows
results for domains registered through register.com:

#whois -h whois.register.com hostsec.com

      Allan Liska
      Allan Liska

   Registrar Name....: Register.com
   Registrar Whois...: whois.register.com
   Registrar Homepage: http://www.register.com

   Domain Name: HOSTSEC.COM

#whois -h whois.register.com allan.org

No match for "allan.org".

Your best bet when searching for domains is to query rs.internic.net,
then query the appropriate registrar.


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