On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 21:07:06 -0400, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:

        > It's all so much posturing, just like the people who claim they need OC768
        > now or any time in the near future, or the people who sell 1Mbps customers
        > on the fact that their OC192 links are important.

        > If there is more than ~150Gbps of traffic total (counting the traffic only
        > once through the system) going through the US backbones I'd be very
        > surprised.

Several estimates floating around (*) suggest between 60 and 100 PB (petabytes) per
month of US backbone traffic, which works out to 180 and 300 Gb/s average traffic.

Andrew Odlyzko

(*) See my papers at <http://www.dtc.umn.edu/~odlyzko/doc/networks.html>, or a recent
(and about to be updated) report from RHK.

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