On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 03:10:44PM +0100, cw wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 08:50:13 -0400, Matt Rowley wrote:
> >>Is there anyone out there who is using, or has implemented a
> >>successful monitoring system for Windows Media Server and/or Real
> >>Server? If so, then how did you go about it?
> >
> >Have a tool like big brother point to the rtsp and mms ports on the
> >server and make sure it can connect?
> >Open up the real server admin page in your java-capable browser of
> >choice and click on monitor?
> >PCanywhere/vnc into the windows box and click on Windows Media
> >Performance from the Admin Tools section of the start menu?
> Out of those options I think Big Brother probably comes closest and
> it was on the checklist to see if it is useable.
> I should probably have been more specific. What we are looking for is
> an automated checking system that can send a text message if a
> problem is found.
> It doesn't have to be all in one as I believe we currently have an
> email-sms gateway available to us.

        if you know the basic protocol you want to talk to
the server, you can probally easily add it into sysmon.


        this supports snmp(get, not trap), http, pop3, smtp, as well
as the usual ping-type tests.  it's primary notification method is
via e-mail (obviously e-mail -> pg gateway can be used).

        - jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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