I think an OC-192 network using 56K modems in the core would be a pretty 
obvious giveaway as well.

-- David

Rowland, Alan D wrote:
> Compton, CA, US and Sealand would be the giveaways.
> Scott Weeks wrote:
>> No, he's not for real.  It's a satire in the likes of Bandy Rush and such.
>> Children need to have their fun...
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> I am currently running a network of cisco 2621s with the OC-192 NM for my
>>> upstream connections. The internal network links are a mixture of K56Flex
>>> modems and GRE tunnels.
>>> I am looking to upgrade to OC-768 real soon now and am wondering what the
>>> prospects are for OC-768 availability on the 2621 platform. I've found the
>>> 2621 to be rock-solid, except when I ping it, so I'd like to keep my network
>>> on that platform if possible.
>>> In addition, if anyone knows the availability of OC-768 circuits between the
>>> following cities I'd appreciate any fiber maps and an approximate price
>>> range:
>>> Ottawa, ON, CA
>>> Midland, ON, CA
>>> Goderich, ON, CA
>>> Toronto, ON, CA
>>> Compton, CA, US
>>> Sealand
>>> At each site I plan to announce a /24 from a /20 I was allocated so if
>>> everyone could please update their prefix filters now that would be great.
>>> Thank you.
>>> -- Dalph Roncaster

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