Well, I contend open source is much better positioned to make these 
changes, and in less time than M$ to the offending file format....I've seen 
changes made available in hours as opposed to weeks in the M$ case. If M$ 
decides to do this, they risk pi$$ing off a whole cadre of corporate 
customers who are slow to upgrade anyway.

At 22:47 8/12/02 +0200, you wrote:

>At 9:41 AM -0400 2002/08/12, William Warren wrote:
>>  StarOffice to the rescue.
>         Only until they change the file format again.  Microsoft can 
> afford to change the file format on an even daily basis, and come out 
> with patches for the previous patches, and call them all "security 
> patches" so that everyone is either forced to apply them or dump 
> Microsoft altogether.
>         Open source projects can't possibly afford to keep up, if 
> Microsoft decides to go down this road.

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