> what's your own NOC's SOP for when the G-men knock on the door at
> midnight waving paper & steel?

Yes sir, the servers are over there and here's the root password.

Oh wait, unless somethings broke or I'm breaking it I'm not at work at

At my last place of employment, we would grant whatever a government
official asked for in a properly formatted subpoena for information. That
being said, most of the subpoena's we received were a joke.

"Give me everything you have on this customer who connected to your
service 3 years ago for 2 minutes. Here's his name."


"Here's a forward of the e-mail from your service." (with no headers
included or hint of an IP address.) "Give us everything you have about
that customer."

My old bosses favorite in a phone conversation with someone from the
government (I don't remember who):

"What information can I ask you for?"

I'm sure there are people in the know that make these kinds of requests,
but I've never seen them.


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