On Sat, Aug 17, 2002 at 05:04:05PM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
> >   --The service provider must not determine the recipients of the material.
>       One could argue (in theory) that a routing-table lookup
> may satisfy this.

        I'm not so sure.  Generally speaking, a destination network is a
given ISP, not a given individual.  And it's highly impractical for an ISP
to know the /individual/ a packet is destined for from the address.
> >   --The material must be transmitted with no modification to its content.
>       Same theory here also, where one decrements ttl, since we are
> talking about ip packets here.  

        I believe they're referring to copyrighted material which is 
wholly contained in the payload of the packets involved.

>       Either way, this is an interesting test case and I do
> hope it receives immediate dismissal.  This would be like asking
> the phone company to turn off phone service for people that arrange
> drug deals or similar.  Not something that I see happening.

        I have to say I expect this one to be disposed of pretty quickly,
but we'll see...


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