On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Greg A. Woods wrote:

> > As a user, I pay my ISP to forward IP packets. If there happen to be TCP
> > segments in those packets, that's something between me and the person the
> > packet is addressed to, whether the destination port of those TCP segments
> > is 25 or something else.

> Well, you might be able to pay your ISP for that kind of service, but
> not all ISPs need supply such service and certainly not many users
> really _need_ such a level of service.

So now I have to justify the kind of services I want to use? What's next,
me having to register the words I'd like to say over the phone with my
phone company?

I'll tell you what. I'll filter port 25 for the entire world on my
routers, and you mail guys go back to running UUCP like in the good old
nearly-spam-free days.

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