Mike Leber([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2002.08.26 23:52:08 +0000:
> I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions for a low priced, off the
> shelf, complete (includes any necessary receivers), standalone (as in you
> just plug it in and connect ethernet), stratum 1 NTP server?

some years ago, i migrated all of my server infrastructure from NTP to
clockspeed and the taiclock protocol, which works a bit different to
NTP. every server keeps its own correction/drift values in a running
software PLL. my current update interval is to poll the main server(s)
every two weeks. after experiencing several problems with xntpd (like
folks sending random udp packets with spoofed ip addresses causing
several machines to drift up to two(!) hours (yes, the default
configurations are without any auth on most OS distributions), the
problem was solved by not depending on a steady feed of fresh clock
information. adjustment bases solely on a single correction value, which
runs in a tolerance window of about 25 to 30 attoseconds per week on
most intel based boards i got here. 


i know that some folks will start to bash on dan, again, but his
approach to tackle the time synchronization problem appeared to solve
most/all of our operational problems of our time servers and clients. in
daily operations, clockspeed/taiclock clearly proved to be superior to
NTP, timed, et al. furthermore, the software is very simple to install
and maintain, with less security/stability risks due to less complexity
in code.


> CS Students do it in the pool.
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