At 6:13 PM -0700 2002/08/27, David Schwartz wrote:

>       I'm afraid the technology to rapidly sift through large volumes of
>  information to search for specific areas of interest is widely available.

        Really?  Where?  I'd like to know what they are and where.

>                                                                            It
>  is totally reasonable to not want to send mail through your ISP's mail
>  servers and perhaps directly to a trusted mail distributor over an encrypted
>  link.

        Fair enough.

>        Of course, you can easily use a port other than 25 for this purpose.


>  The problem comes when the recipient tries to validate your origin address
>  against your secure mail server.

        Well, if you use TLSSMTP, I would think that would be resolved 
during the connection, by the authentication of the key.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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