> Interesting points, and although orthogonal to the analysis in "Do
> ATM-based Internet Exchange Points Make Sense Anymore?", I am including
> these in the appendix to show these alternate views of the world. Am I
> missing any of the major (fact-based) views?
There is this "small" thing that higher speed ATM interfaces are not
being developed. Itīs very hard to come by STM16 ATM interface on a router
with STM64 being non-existent on both switches and routers. This is not due
technological barriers but commercial reality. ATM would be going away
faster if DSLAMīs wouldnīt be there increasing the traffic, but because of
the extensive investments to ADSL gear, itīll be there in 5, probably 10

Because of the above reason, there is no point in setting up an ATM based
exchange today. The first one here which was built 1996 is being retired by
the end of year, and the other probably sometime next year.


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