Cool, maybe we're making progress.  The last N times this has come up,
the biggest X the big IP backbones showed a distinct lack of interest
or in one case extreme hostility to the idea.

I've suggested an AS-NULL(AS0) or AS-RESERVED machine parsable macros for
unassigned prefixes which should have no routes (including more
specific routes) which could be automatically included in router
configurations.  Or at least queried when debuging stuff.

Every network block should be assigned an "responsible party." I'm
avoiding using the word "owner".  By default IANA would be the responsible
party for all "RESERVED" address space, and listed as such in IANA, RIR,
or where ever we decied to keep the information.  As address space is
assigned, allocated, delegated, etc, the reserved space would be split so
you can tell the difference between address squaters and valid

RESERVED (Not released by IANA for use)

ALLOCATED (Available for network allocations, but not in use)
ASSIGNED (Assigned for use by an entity, may be routed now or soon)
CONNECTED (Connected to the global Internet)

MULTICAST (Not a valid source address)

SPECIAL (Matians, we don't know where they come from, drop on sight)
EXPERIMENTAL (Consenting parties only)
PRIVATE (Local use only)

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, John M. Brown wrote:
> A good number of private replies from people and their "day job"
> addresses.  Most have asked for prior permission before
> quoting them.
> In general, three default-free global backbone providers
> stated they would love to see something like this available,
> from IANA is the prefered answer.
> Some would like to see more than just IANA address information,
> and other contend that would be a can of worms and opens some
> risk issues.
> It seems that there is general support and that people would use
> such a service if available and reliable.
> If you have comments on this, and can post publicly, please
> do.
> Thank you
> john brown
> speaking for himself

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