>>> "Jane" == Pawlukiewicz Jane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> Even if we were to model it, the best data we could get for
    >> the "Internet" would be BGP routing tables. These are also
    >> subjectve views of the rest of the net. We could take a full
    >> table, map all the ASN adjacencies, and then pick arbtrary
    >> ASN's to "fail", then see who is still connected, but we are
    >> still dealing with connectivity relatve to us and our peers,
    >> even 5+ AS-hops away.

    Jane> I want to  make sure I understand this.  As I understand it,
    Jane> this would work regarding routing  only. It would be a model
    Jane> that would  have a  result of ones  and zeros, so  to speak,
    Jane> meaning  either you're  connected or  you're not.  What this
    Jane> doesn't take  into consideration, I believe,  is the effects
    Jane> of  congestion  regarding  increased  traffic  due  to  news
    Jane> traffic and  rerouting that takes place whenever  there is a
    Jane> loss of a site.

I believe you  are correct.  Modelling the connectivity  matrix [1] is
good  as a  first approximation.   The next  thing to  do would  be to
estimate the  transition probabilities between ASi and  ASj (you could
do  this  by   looking at  the  adjacencies  one  step  out  [2],  for
example.  There  are  other   methods  of  estimating  the  transition
probabilities but most are foiled by a lack of available data. You can
get a  pretty good  adjacency map  doing table dumps  from all  of the
route servers,  looking glasses,  etc.) 

Once you have the TP  matrix, construct a vector of initial conditions
to represent likely traffic sources -- i.e. the ASs containing CNN and
the BBC, for example -- and look at how the traffic dissipates through
an n-step Markov process [3].

This will  tell you  something about how  heavily loaded  with traffic
certain ASs (the  accumulation points) become, at least  as a ratio to
"normal",  but since  we have  no information  about  channel capacity
available  within   each  AS,  it   doesn't  say  much   about  actual
congestion. It  will, however, suggest  where congestion is  likely to
occur if links have not been overprovisioned by some ratio. I think ;)

The trick is in estimating  the transition probabilities. I'm not sure
this  is a good  method. Using  adjacencies from  one hop  out assumes
transit to two hops out. Using  n hops out implies transit to n+1 hops
and the bigger  n gets the less accurately  it will start representing
the real  mesh since it  starts implicitly assuming  symmetric transit
everywhere once n is greater than, say, 4 or 5 or whatever the average
AS path length is these days.


[1] C_ij = 1 if i and j connected or i == j, 0 otherwise
[2] If A_i  is the number of adjacencies for  ASi, then set transition
probabilities P_ij proportional to (C_ij  * A_j) / Sum_k (C_jk * A_k),
normalized so that Sum_j P_ij = 1.
[3] n-th step transition probabilities are (P_ij)^n
William Waites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +1 416-717-2661
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP keys
Idiosyntactix Research Laboratories
http://www.irl.styx.org -- NetBSD: ça marche!

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