Steganography looked great in that hollywood movie Along Came a Spider
with Morgan Freeman (or at least the 'screen friendly' version they
portrayed) but a recent study of millions of graphics across USENET
found zero steganographic images. Great theory, no examples found in the
wild, other than in Hollywood scripts and some folk trading porn of the
type not usually posted to the public Internet.

Anyone interested my try:,,10456_624101,00.html

Just my 2¢.

Best regards,
Alan Rowland

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:15 PM
To: Greg A. Woods
Subject: Re: How do you stop outgoing spam?

> and bypassing firewalls is an excellent way to get into BIG trouble 
> with whomever is running the firewall.  It is irrelevant how ignorant 
> that person might be about the traffic which passes through their 
> firewall. I'm sure if they were only slightly less ignorant they'd run

> a strict HTTP gateway on port 80 of their firewall and then you'd be 
> stuck wrappging everything up to look like proper HTTP in order to 
> bypass their firewall.  It is better that you learn to negotiate the 
> access you need than to have to resort to using covert channels which 
> could get you busted.

Steno is a great thing, so it wont get anyone busted.


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