
The only drop in 'traffic' I've ever noticed was in my former life in
the military. Retreat policy on base was that traffic pulled to the side
of the road and the driver got out, faced the music and rendered the
appropriate salute through the end of the anthem. Since this occurred at
a regularly scheduled time one indication of its approach was a
noticeable drop in traffic preceding retreat.

Sad commentary on our allegiance at the time.

Best regards,
Alan Rowland

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11:39 AM
To: Al Rowland
Subject: RE: National Moment of Silence

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Al Rowland wrote:

> I would think there might be a few folk streaming live feeds during 
> this period. Might even result in a higher traffic load leading up to 
> and through the relevant period. Some traffic may also be queued and 
> continue to flow unless SAs worldwide do a bunch of scripting to 
> suspend all processes during this period.
A live feed of a national moment of silence consuming traffic. Does
anybody but me find this amusingly ironic? :)

(I know it's the stuff pre and post silence that the live feeds would be
interested in, but still!)

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