On Sun, Sep 29, 2002 at 01:27:38PM -0700, Barry Raveendran Greene wrote:
> 1:1 figure for people age 18 - 60. Add these indicators to the fact that
> most of the Internet market dominating companies are the old PTTs. All these
> PTT (control freaks) are now Telcos (out to maximize share holder profit).
> All of them took a lot of hard knocks in the early years, learned from their
> mistakes, and now know where their markets are now going. So instead of
> dealing with clueless Asian PTTs in 1995 you are dealing with really clueful
> IP savvy Telcos in 2002. IP savvy Telcos who are members of the
> trans-oceanic cable businesses and are the ones buying up the excess
> capacity built by the failed "independent" trans-oceanic cable businesses.

And speaking of control.. don't expect those PTTs to give up control
(i.e. peering) in their home markets easily.


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