reports of equinix's demise appear to have been grossly premature.  see, whose title is something like:

> Equinix Gains Strategic Investment From Singapore Technologies Telemedia
> and Creates the Largest Global Network Neutral Internet Exchange
> Services Company Equinix to Merge i-STT and Pihana Pacific into its
> Internet Exchange Services Business; Equinix to Retire Approximately 80%
> of its Outstanding Bonds and Receive New Cash Investments of $30 Million

i'd like to publically congradulate equinix on getting this deal made.  it
will be good for them and their shareholders, but even more importantly it
will be good for their customers and even their competitors.  neutral data
centers that aren't just shell&core, once thought to be a waste of capital
because of the lack of upsell, are going to be the biggest survivors after
the dot-bomb mess.


> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Pawlukiewicz Jane")
> Date: 12 Sep 2002 15:08:45 -0000
> ...
> I just got word of this last night.
> Here's the publication and the story for any who are interested:
> I certainly hope this doesn't happen.

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