Their acctg issues are widely known, as well as their 99 pricing in 2001.
Hook up with a customer of theirs as a provider and let the provider duke
it out with em.  A lot of folks like to dual home with Sprint and UUnet,
and that solution does get you a lot from a networking perspective.


On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, chuck goolsbee wrote:

> >transit prices have been in free fall, and worldcom has not been following
> >them downward.  however, after the cleansing ritual of chapter 11, i think
> >they will be in a fine position to reset their per-megabit charges in ways
> >that make them a compelling transit provider.  their network's been great.
> >--
> >Paul Vixie
> Yes, the network is, and always has been great. (well, except for
> that one little blip a couple of weeks ago...) In our seven year
> relationship we were always impressed with the the NOC staff and
> support group at UUnet.
> However auditing their invoices was always an exercise in
> frustration. Circuits that were long-ago cancelled re-appearing time
> and time again, blatant overcharges, completely incomprehensible
> account number changes. I used to think it was incompetence or
> confusion caused by growth and acquisitions (having some personal
> experience with the latter.) I guess it has been recently revealed as
> felonious behavior. I'd be a fool to go down that path again.
> I'm sorry to say but, I'll be officiating ice hockey games in hell
> before doing business with UUnet again.
> --
> Chuck Goolsbee                          V.P. Technical Operations
> _________________________________________________________________
> digital.forest                      Phone: +1-877-720-0483, x2001
> where Internet solutions grow              Int'l: +1-425-483-0483
> 19515 North Creek Parkway                    Fax: +1-425-482-6871
> Suite 208                         
> Bothell, WA 98011                            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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