On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Simon Waters wrote:

> Last time it was discussed I thought that the provisions already
> in the DNS RFC's to allow zone transfer for "." to recursive
> servers is a neat solution for the root zone.

There are pluses and minuses to that approach. The people at .biz and
.info are _still_ getting complaints from people sitting behind broken
resolvers with bogus copies of the root zone. Doing this in a widespread
manner is likely to lead to more problems of this sort for new TLD's, and
updates to existing ones.

Also, if you consider that <some high percentage> of root server queries
are for the same say, 10 TLD's, and that those records are cached for 2
days, it would most likely be a net increase in root server traffic to
have millions of resolvers slaving the zone.

Speaking only for myself, I think the combination of anycast and DNSSEC
has the best chance of success; both for the root and gTLD servers.


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