On Wed, Nov 13, 2002 at 03:49:53PM -0500, Ralph Doncaster wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> > Just making sure Ralph knows this, since I'm sure achieving 99% peering 
> > by getting 10GE into NYIIX is the goal for his OC192 over 2600 network. :)
> Trying to run OC192 over a 2600 router would make more business sense than
> giving away 250mbps of free transit, which you claim to have done (on
> isp-bandwidth) lately. ;-)

Please note the difference between "giving away" and "this guy doesn't 

> I've never seen anyone here complain that Yipes de-aggregates
> into /24's like  Until the bigger providers
> change their ways why should someone like me (who has only chopped a /20
> into /21-/23 with a covering /20) decide that doing a single aggregate
> /20 announcement is going to make a difference?

First of all I've never seen anyone point to Yipes as an example of how to 
do anything correctly or successfully.

Secondly, if you REALLY need to do it, you can probably get away with it. 
But if you have any kind of decency and a common transit provider, 
announce the aggregate and the more specifics with no-export. It's not 
required, but it's what nice/smart people do.

Just because someone else litters doesn't mean you should too.

Richard A Steenbergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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