well current practice seems to be to declare yourself the legitimate root
authority and go out and set them up

however for the rest of us who either like the internet to continue to function
in a predictable manner or are mere mortals not worthy of declaring ourselves
root the answer is you cant setup new TLDs, that is done by the internet naming
authority - icann


On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Gawie Marais (Home) wrote:

> Helo,
> Might be a simple question.... But... I've got no idea what the answer
> could be...
> In the early days, one only had a .com address space (amongst the most
> popular ones). These days, there is .com(this) and .com(that) and any
> kind of .(whatever) you can think of.
> My question...
> How does one start a .(whatever) ?? Who is actually controlling these
> .(whatever) domains ?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gawie J Marais                         Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
> Technical Member                       Web: http://www.inx.co.za/
> inX - Internet eXchange
> South Africa
> Tel: +27 11 956 6935
> Fax: +27 11 956 6851
> 'I just bought an 8x mouse, and it's FAST! ' :)-

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