Jere Retzer wrote:

Vadim Antonov wrote:
>>>People are doing various kinds of video over Internet 1; works fine.<<<

Then I must be doing it all wrong because I've never had much luck. Maybe it is a function of the origin and destination location + network. Since Portland is not a top 25 market our service has never been very good -- that's why we started an exchange
The unfortunate development in the video market has been high deployment of
two applications which do "streaming" without too much regard to how the underlying
network works. One sends a high number of fragmented packets and the other is highly
suspectible to retransmission collapse where retransmission requests and
retransmissions actually overload the already congested path by a margin.

Additionally, the deployment habit of content providers to prefer HTTP instead
of RTP/UDP makes monitoring and improving on these services and their performance
quite challenging.


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